更新日: 2024年11月20日

Explore Yokohama with Yokohama Minatomirai Pass!

Welcome to Japan!
We would be happy to introduce how you can fully enjoy sightseeing in Yokohama area using "Yokohama Minatomirai Pass".

☆What is Yokohama Minatomirai Pass?☆

"Yokohama Minatomirai Pass" is a convenient pass for visiting major tourist spots in Yokohama area. With this "Yokohama Minatomirai Pass", you can fully enjoy beautiful sceneries and cultures of the Minatomirai district. Also, the " Yokohama Minatomirai Pass" can be used multiple times by the end of the day.

☆How to Get Yokohama Minatomirai Pass☆

Yokohama Minatomirai Pass Free Area 出典:https://www.jreast.co.jp/multi/discount_ticket/
▲Yokohama-Minatomirai Pass Free Area
" Yokohama Minatomirai Pass " can be purchased at JR East Reserved Seat Ticket Vending Machine within the service area (JR East Negishi Line between Yokohama Station(JK 12) and Shin-Sugita Station(JK 05)) or the Mobile Suica app. The price is 530 yen for adults and 260 yen for children.
How to purchase Yokohama Minatomirai Pass at the tickets vending machine
▲How to get Yokohama Minatomirai Pass at the tickets vending machine①
How to purchase Yokohama Minatomirai Pass at the tickets vending machine
▲How to get Yokohama Minatomirai Pass at the tickets vending machine②
How to purchase Yokohama Minatomirai Pass at the tickets vending machine
▲ How to get Yokohama Minatomirai Pass at the tickets vending machine③

☆Enjoy Sightseeing with Yokohama Minatomirai Pass⭐︎

#1 Minatomirai District: A new seaside urban area in central Yokohama, where you can enjoy shopping, local foods, and entertainment activities.
Yokohama Minatomirai Fujisan Mt.Fuji
(C)Yokohama Visitors Guide
#2 Yokohama Chinatown: The largest Chinatown in Japan, where you can enjoy authentic Chinese cuisine. You can also experience Chinese culture and traditions using "Yokohama Minatomirai Pass ".
Yokohama Chinatown  Minatomirai
(C)Yokohama Visitors Guide
#3 Yamashita Park: A beautiful park located right in front of Yokohama Port, perfectly suitable for walking and picnics. Visit this park using "Yokohama Minatomirai Pass" !
Yamashita Park Yokohama  Minatomirai
(C)Yokohama Visitors Guide

☆Looking forward to seeing you in Yokohama☆

A trip to enjoy Yokohama area using " Yokohama Minatomirai Pass" would be an unforgettable experience for you. Don't hesitate to get " Yokohama Minatomirai Pass" and fully enjoy the charm of Yokohama.

We kindly hope you would have a wonderful time in Yokohama!
For more information is here!

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